
One term leads to another....

A busy season for yours truly. Just finished two weeks of workshops on student assessment, developed and delivered by myself and Cadence Kidwell. Delivered a guest lecture on Web Design trends to Wanda Brown's Textiles class, conducted two Blackboard workshops for FYE instructors, and traveled to Orlando for a cool mini-con on "millenial" students, quite timely for my class of First-Year Experience freshmen that starts tomorrow and runs for six weeks.

Student activities contributed to the whirlwind feel of the past two weeks: the Political Rhetoric class wound up week before last with two papers due in as many weeks. Not only did I ace the class*, but the last meeting was over beer at a local eatery, a pleasant echo of the first Communication class I took way back in 1977 -- which also ended over beers, a tradition I kept up as an adjunct teacher until they changed the drinking age. One more reason to teach graduates, no?

Bruce H and I are talking collaboration over a ghost-story project, next weekend is a long holiday one out at Dog Island with two of my sibs and their families. Lindsay and Will get hitched on July 22, and it's off to Panama City for the Fennell reunion on August 6, with more workshops to deliver when I return and Fall term starting up August 28th.

Yes, I do like it.

*Please excuse the brag, but c'mon, I get some props heah. I tend to be grade-obsessed anyway, and here I am tiptoeing back into my academic discipline after a 22-year hiatus. I'm allowed.


Someone let him out of the can, I guess

alberto.pngScreenshot of NWS radar graphic shows Alberto -- not quite a hurricane -- dumping water on the Big Bend. And we need it! Tonight there's a cool wet breeze outside and it has been raining steadily for the past three hours. It will be very hard to get up in the morning; Alberto is scheduled to be coming ashore around Keaton Beach just about that time. Fortunately the areas hit hardest by the Dennis storm surge last year are west of the center, but that's still a lot of sucking day-fee-neet-ly going on in Apalachee Bay. NDBC reports gusts close to 40kt in Cedar Key already, with some of the offshore buoys picking up 18ft swells.

Hurricane Season 2006, Hello.


History Flow

History Flow graphic on IBM websiteFrom IBM's Collaborative User Experience Research Group, this concept is awesome in its elegance. How better to graphically represent the activity on a wiki, in terms of who posts how much? I wonder what Tufte would have to say about it?