June 13, 2006

Someone let him out of the can, I guess

alberto.pngScreenshot of NWS radar graphic shows Alberto -- not quite a hurricane -- dumping water on the Big Bend. And we need it! Tonight there's a cool wet breeze outside and it has been raining steadily for the past three hours. It will be very hard to get up in the morning; Alberto is scheduled to be coming ashore around Keaton Beach just about that time. Fortunately the areas hit hardest by the Dennis storm surge last year are west of the center, but that's still a lot of sucking day-fee-neet-ly going on in Apalachee Bay. NDBC reports gusts close to 40kt in Cedar Key already, with some of the offshore buoys picking up 18ft swells.

Hurricane Season 2006, Hello.

Mastodons and Butterflies, Oh My!

Source: https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/125627 I'd like to say I abandoned Twitter when that Nazi-adjacent asshole Musk bought ...