No matter; in a few weeks we'll have either a cold front or a tropical system. There will be football and hallowe'en and oysters and camping to ponder. I'm ready, though I need to get some more swimming in before it's all done.
This summer has been busy as hell. The anniversary party was a complete success; took Mom & Dad totally by surprise and a good time was had by all. Same with the Fennell family reunion that came right on its heels. These two family events came after a summer of classes and workshops that paused only long enough for a week in Panama City; I came back to fall conference presentations for faculty and new TAs (n.b. - teaching FYE was excellent warmup and rejuvenator for these) and simultaneous orientation week for yours truly. One of the highlights of the latter was attending the university-wide convocation with Lindsay.
And so now I am really in grad school again. I'm getting to know the other doctorals, who seem to tolerate Joe Geezer pretty well. Nice folks. And I continue to enjoy the Comm faculty I'm meeting -- had some nice conversations at a reception last Friday night. I'm taking an introductory research methods course and an outside course called "Saving the Apalachicola" that should both be fascinating. The former is a refresher and I like to geek on epistemology anyway; the latter will entail some interesting field trips. It'll be a busy term, but full of learning & growing, too.